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East Kent VCSE Alliance Meeting

Join the East Kent VCSE Alliance meeting on the 14th of December. Support a strong health and care system by collaborating on a local level with NHS and statutory partners.

The alliance is dedicated to enhancing health outcomes and reducing inequalities by shaping and co-producing person-centred, community-based health and care.

Any VCSE leader operating in east Kent is welcome to attend the event.

Broadly, we will be covering:

• Update on the VCSE framework

• Kent becoming a Marmot coastal region

• Joy social prescribing app

• Health Inequalities work at Kent Community Health Foundation Trust

Please email Lily for a link to the meeting.


Date and time

12 December 2024, 12:30



Westgate Hall, Westgate Hall Road
Canterbury, Kent CT1 2BT United Kingdom

Everyday we, shape a better tomorrow. Will you partner with us?