Top 10 tips for running an effective community engagement session


04 February 2024

In the dynamic landscape of community engagement, the key to success lies in fostering active participation and inclusivity. Whether you’re a community leader steering the ship or a passionate participant adding your voice, the art of delivering an inclusive and well-organised engagement session demands meticulous planning and execution.

In this guide, we present the top 10 tips to ensure your community engagement sessions not only run smoothly but also leave a lasting impact on participants, creating a ripple effect for positive change.

  1. Establish clear objectives: This is one of the most important things to consider when running a community engagement session. What would you like to achieve? What is the aim of the session? Always define the goals of the session clearly to provide a focused and purposeful agenda.
  1. Identify key stakeholders: Can anyone help you with this? Who does this session need to reach? Recognise and extend invitations to a diverse group of stakeholders to ensure maximum representation and feedback.
  1. Select an inclusive venue: Choose a location that is accessible to all community members, factoring in considerations such as geographical convenience, transportation accessibility, and physical accommodations. This is something that needs to be considered at all times, particularly if you are dealing with a vulnerable group of individuals.
  1. Consistent and open communication: It is imperative to create an environment of open and transparent communication to build trust and encourage participants to express their thoughts and concerns, especially if the aim of your session is to gather feedback or experiences on a particular topic.
  1. Maxime the online world and technological resources: Be sure to utilise free technology platforms like Zoom, and Teams for virtual engagement, and interactive tools, such as MentiMeter. Embracing technology can support broader participation and accessibility and create more engaging sessions with immediate feedback.

  1. Integrate activities: Incorporate thoughtfully designed interactive activities to maintain engagement and encourage collaborative contribution. People have diverse learning styles, and interactive activities cater to this spectrum. While some participants thrive in verbal exchanges, others may prefer hands-on experiences or visual aids. By incorporating activities, you appeal to a broader audience, ensuring that everyone can participate in a way that resonates with their preferred learning style. Well-timed activities inject energy into the session, ensuring that attendees remain alert and actively involved throughout.
  1. Time management: Create a loose agenda, ensuring each agenda item receives enough attention without compromising the quality of the discussion. Work out what you would like to discuss, be sure not to go over or you will lose engagement if the session is too long. Be sure to factor in refreshment and comfort breaks.
  1. Provide information in advance: Distribute important information well in advance to give participants the opportunity to prepare and contribute as best they can.
  1. Encourage diverse perspectives: Actively seek input from all participants, fostering an environment where diverse perspectives are acknowledged and respected.
  1. Post-session follow-up: Conduct a post-session follow-up to share outcomes, seek additional feedback, and demonstrate commitment to your community-driven initiatives.

Running an effective community engagement session requires finesse and strategic planning. From defining clear objectives and identifying key stakeholders to leveraging online platforms and encouraging diverse perspectives, our top 10 tips are designed to elevate your engagement sessions. The guide emphasizes the importance of open communication, inclusive venues, and post-session follow-ups to foster collaboration, empower participants, and contribute to continuous community improvement. By following these recommendations, you’ll be well-equipped to create impactful and inclusive sessions that resonate with your community’s needs.

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