1:1 Advice Sessions This tailored service enables you to benefit from bespoke support from our business advisory team on a 1:1 basis according to your specific needs. We can help with business plan advice, financial planning, sustainability strategies, capacity building, social impact measurement and a whole range of other areas. To explore your requirements and get a quotation, book a Diagnostic Call.
Board Development Sessions SEK will come to your premises and facilitate Board Development workshops in line with your needs. It may be a strategy session away day, support on governance, or even training for your Board. SEK’s experienced advisors will take away the stress and be there to guide your Board through your unique situation.
Strategic Project Support SEK will deliver large projects for you. For example, do you struggle to write a business plan, or prepare a fundraising strategy? SEK will come into your business, learn about your organisation, make suggestions, and prepare the necessary documents.
Anna from Positive Retail worked with one of our business mentors to strategically scale her existing business model. Together, they devised a plan to not only boost revenue but also enhance the company’s environmental and social impact.